It is absolutely glorious weather today, as it was yesterday and we had so much planned to do over the long weekend but I seemed to have picked up a sickness bug. I am so annoyed I have been pottering doing a few things but nothing like I had hoped to do.
I have finally re potted the tomatoes and peppers, sown a few more seeds, weeded, divided and replanted some herbs and just generally fiddled.
In the yard this morning I took a few photos. Spring has certainly arrived ,yet we still woke to a white frost again this morning.
Photo: Blackbirds.
1st taken 5th April ( a little blurry as the nest is above my head height, so very much a case of aim and shoot, also I didn't want to disturb the parents.)
2nd photo taken today,5 days on.Both parents are busy feeding their hungry youngsters.
Photos: Cock pheasant, a daily visitor taking advantage of an easy meal.
Photo: Alfie 9 days old.

lovely pictures - and Alfie looks good.
hope you are feeling ebtter soon - I know how you feel - so frustrating when you want to get on !
Thanks....sorry seemed to have pressed the wrong button for your other's disappeared.
I have been reading your blog with have achieved soo much this week end...Oh well still two days to go.I WILL feel better tomorrow!
definitely a lot of creaking and groaning going on now... as all the activity catches up. hope you are feeling better soon
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