Saturday 19 September 2009

Flystrike !!

Friday evening we
noticed Alfie, Annie's lamb was scouring. Only slightly as a result of being put onto fresh pasture. We agreed to catch him up first thing this morning to dag him. I couldn't believe it ...he was already struck !! Only just- the maggots were barely visible and still high in the wool, but there all the same...horrid, horrid things.

I'm always so careful, especially this year as it has been so wet and warm, but there you go. He was given a severe short back and sides and heavily sprayed with blowfly repel. We caught him again tonight to check none had been missed. Not a sign of anything, thank goodness. Hopefully by catching it very early that will be the end of it. Although he will be watched very carefully, as will the others, over the next few days.

On a brighter note, the boar's area is now ready for sowing. The ground has been rotovated, rake, rolled and raked again. Tomorrow the seeds will go in and then (sorry) a gentle rain would be much appreciated.

The paddock is now empty of all livestock, the thistles have been topped and it will now be left to rest and the grass to grow back.
The sheep are in the orchard and the paddock geese in the race area between the Fowl's run and the growers and gilts pens.

We now both ache and I certainly smell from getting up close and personal to the sheep. So bath, tea and bed I think.


A Green and Rosie Life said...

One of our lambs, whilst not scouring, has a runnyish bum and cleaning him up is on my list for tomorrow. Hopefully there will be no maggots. I really don't like maggots.

Rosie x

Sandra said...

Sounds like Alfie, he wasn't exactly scouring just loose. I can't believe from 6pm yesterday to 8am this morning he was struck. I hate maggots with a passion!

Anonymous said...

gah I was hoping we were past this witht he colder nights... i hate hate hate flystrike...

Sandra said...

Me too. I thought we were at the end of the season, guess it was the sudden warm spell.

A Green and Rosie Life said...

Chops is all cleaned up - no maggots thank goodness - but he still has a few worms even after a recent worming. Time to change the wormer I think.

Rosie x

Sandra said...

Delightful creatures sheep. Thank goodness no maggots though.