The grass is dull and thin on the ground, any remaining foliage is soggy and black. It is wet underfoot. Everywhere is crying out for a little warmth and sunshine, sadly still a couple of months away.
Due to a misjudgement of timing we still have last years lambs, a costly mistake. We are feeding both hard feed and haylage, a feed new to us, of which the animals are very fond. They are also on land that in previous years was kept livestock free for most of the year, to provide fresh grazing for the new lambs.
On a positive note, however, Florence, the ewe lamb of the set of twins born to Freda, may be spared. A friend is interesting in buying her so her future is looking more promising than before.
Photo: Florence and Frank, 2010 lambs. Florence in the foreground.

2010 lambs

Spring will be here before you know it.
Happy New Year x
It will : ) The cockerels already think it is here, a promising start to a new breeding season.
Happy New Year to you too Jo x
Happy New Year Sandra - we have downsized our sheep and now only have the ram - I'll write a blog about it soon and explain why. In one way it's nice not having the sheep to worry over but I also miss them.
Happy New Year Rosie.
I would quite happily part with the sheep and am regretting putting the ewes back to the ram this year. They are a pleasure, at times, but our space is limited and I would much prefer to concentrate on poultry. However home produced meat does have its attraction.
I must get up to date with your blog, I have missed all your latest entries.
a lovely picture :)
Happy New Year Sandra. I've missed reading your posts.
Thank you Marianne. Happy New Year to you too. I hope all is well. x
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