Tuesday 23 March 2010

Shouldn't be long now

I think the arrival of lambs may be imminent. This morning both ewes came running across for their feed in the usual manner. However Freda is looking closer to lambing than before, her muscles have started to relax and her udder is full and the teats almost distended. I have thought she would be first to lamb as Annie still hasn't bagged up as fully as previous years, but this morning Annie had the all too familiar, bog eyed, ears back startled look about her. She has spent the day either in the stable or mooching around outside in a not particularly interested in anything sort of way.

Typically the weather is atrocious, cold with thick driving rain. Tonight I shall stable them. Maybe will have lambs by the morning. I wonder who will be first Freda or Annie.


Anonymous said...

still nuffin....?

it's sheep games I tell you - they like to look like they are about to pop.. then laugh behind their hooves when you are not looking

Sandra said...

lol no not yet. Tommorrow should be the day. Freda looks physcially nearer , Annie is behaving more as if though she is close. I have noticed over the past couple of years a few days before they actually lamb they look as if though they will and then seem fine again. i think it is most likely when 'things' start moving in readiness.

Eldest son has kindly been doing the late night checks..I just need to stay awake in case I have to go up.