Sunday 6 December 2009

Mrs Big Bird

Due to the kindness of
colour it green I now a have a 20 week old Australorp pullet. She is beautiful, dark and glossy with a lovely green sheen. For 20 weeks old she is very big and very confident.
I'm not normally happy to introduce a single bird to an already established flock and certainly not without a period of separation, but circumstances dictated that this time it was worth taking a chance. She came from a very well cared for flock and I was confident that the chance of introducing anything 'unpleasant' was minimal to nil.

As we walked towards the hen run with her in a basket, she was already calling to the other hens. Inside the run we placed the basket on the ground, opened the door and waited. As my flock gathered curiously around she casually pecked at the grass within her reach, within minutes she nonchalantly strolled out, got her bearings and made a bee line for the young Welsummer, who in the last few weeks has established herself as top hen and immediately picked a fight, which she won I hasten to add. Ten minutes and three more hens later Mrs Big Bird had made a bid for top position in the flock. My nine hens huddled in the corner of the run, one bleeding from the comb while Mrs Big Bird confidently took her full from the feeder. On checking them again just now, she was dust bathing in the most favoured location in the run. As it is now getting dark I am curious to know if she will be 'allowed' into the hen house. I'm sure she will !
I think Mrs Big Bird is going to be just fine.


Anonymous said...

oh dear - I hope she doesn't beat up all your girls.....

Sandra said...

I'm sure she won't. Thank you so much she is lovely !

Anonymous said...

Hee hee, I love it when the new kid on the block takes charge - especially with hens as they look so offended!

Sandra said...

It was definately a 'who does she think she is ! ' look

A Green and Rosie Life said...

DUST bath - did I read that right - Dust? Our hens have booked up for swimming lessons, there's so much water in their run :-)

Rosie x

Sandra said...

LOL it is dry under their house..their favourite place. Last night I dreamt their whole area was under water, thank fully this morning despite all the rain it was only muddy not submerged

Anonymous said...

mine have a dust bath uner their ark shelter. only at the mo its a pond....