If the geese are fed and their water changed whilst the sheep are feeding it saves having to battle through the gate and the sheep escaping.
The water bucket takes the same amount of time to fill as measuring out the chicken feed, so saving time standing around. The stable and yard can been cleaned whilst the goose pond fills with fresh water. Nothing of importance if done in a different way but a routine that has developed to save time and make life easier.
Also feed quantities; The ewes food is measured as they are being step fed, so that's easy enough but Fred has 'about that much', the geese and hens have a similar quantity.
I am sure all will be fine, we will see to the livestock Saturday morning and again Sunday evening so a little extra or less feed will do them no harm and if the sheep escape they come readily to a shake of a bucket.
Photo:Fred, Freda & Annie

im sure they will be fine :)
when is Annie due to lamb?
: ) The kids or the livestock? Did you detect a hint of anxiety in my post?
Earliest date for Annie and Freda is 6 weeks from today. They are beginning to look in lamb (I hope)
No joy with yours yet ? did you put the ewe lamb to the ram ?
nothing doing. they dont even bother to get up when i visit them now...
Arabella was in with the ram, but he paid her no attention (or so we believe.) i think unfortunately, the ram is getting on a bit, and not that great at his job anymore..
Won't be long now for Saffie now, other years just as you really start to worry they produce :)
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