Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Pig keeping and poultry

We have decided next year we will give rearing a few weaners a miss. We have plenty of pork in the freezer ..3 1/2 pigs ! that along with the lamb and chicken is more than enough to see us through the year.

For us, the best time to rear the weaners is March through to July. The weather should be at it's best, the stable is empty should we need to use it and afterwards we have plenty of time to reseed the ground for the new lambs the following spring.
If we 'miss' next year we can get back on track the following year. It will also give us more time next year to build the poultry breeding pens and get organised with the poultry, as I feel as if though I have wasted this year and am behind with my plans.

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