Saturday 6 June 2009

Time out

Yesterday and today we took sometime away from our usual daily and weekend routine.It was both enjoyable and thought provoking.

Yesterday we went to The Royal Cornwall show. It was lovely to have a rare day out, but to do so takes a little organising and being reliant on others. Before we left in the morning we had to do the usual daily livestock chores - letting out, cleaning out, fresh food and water, checking is all is OK etc. We then left instructions for youngest son to check all the livestock had plenty of clean water, before he left for work midday. Especially the young chicks as they tend to fill their drinker with their bedding. After work our eldest son fed and water the lamb and pigs. In the evening the young chicks needed shutting away, before they chilled. The dog we took to a friends for the day. Thankfully the incubator has an atuomatic turner so needed no attention. When we returned home the veg patch and greenhouse needed watering and livestock checking and shutting away for the night. We did have a lovely day though !

Today we took the fleeces to a friend's ( well I hope friend - someone we 'met' through blogging.) It was lovely to meet them but left us wondering what we do with our time.They do so much and work so hard it's quite inspiring if not daunting. It also made us realise how much more we could do with what we have and in a way how wasteful we are.When we slaughter the pigs we don't use the head or make our own sausages and bacon, but get the butcher to do so instead. When we slaughter the sheep we don't use their skins or the fleeces of the sheared sheep.We certainly don't save enough rain water. I am determined to do more, starting with buying a mincer ( I have been advised an old kenwood is the best) and making our own sausages with the next batch of pork.

Although I said the incubator needed no attention when I checked it today the temperature was frighteningly high and I have no idea how long for. I candled the eggs, Day 8 today - 1 was clear, 1 has the blood ring so an early death, I must admit I didn't remove it (just in case I'm wrong ) and 2 look as if though they have ruptured air sacs, so don't hold out too much hope for them. What affect the high temperature has had on the others I'll know next time I candle.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the fleeces! - dont be daunted.. you saw the sheer quantity of weeds.. the huge untouched wood pile.... the veg that are looking decidely sad....
and you do stakes of different things..
if you do get a kenwood, make sure you get the mincer attachment too!

A Green and Rosie Life said...

And I always thought you two already knew each other in person!

We were going to make sausages with the pig we recently slaughtered but ran out of time. Instead I made pork, herb and garlic burgers and they were given the thumbs up by the boys at tea time tonight (and much quicker to make).

Rosie x

Sandra said...

It did feel as if though we knew them already.Even my husband talked ! any who knows him ...that's quiet something he's usually very quiet.

Rosie the burgers are great idea would certainly save time, we could also practice with different flavours easier!

Anonymous said...

we should have met before.. we live so close to each other....

remember you can freeze the meat and give yourself time to think about what you have to do too... thats if you have the freezer space...

Sandra said...

That's true, it doesn't all have to be done on meat collection day.