I have just committed myself to buying 4 Tamworth weaners. Bought unseen, over the phone via the internet !! 'A pig in a poke' comes to mind but I'll just have to trust in human nature and my own instincts. I have spoken to the seller several times on the phone and he seems decent enough, quite like minded I think. He was happy to send me the above photo and is delivering them to me free of charge as he will be in the area visiting a friend. So hopefully my judge of character is good and on Sunday I will take delivery of 4 healthy little pigs.
It's not a breed I have ever thought of owning, don't know why. 'People' seem to either love them or hate them.(maybe hate is too strong a word). The advantage of buying in weaners is that we get the chance to try different breeds, both for character and for taste of meat, then if the time ever came where we were in a position to breed our own we would know which breed to have.
Just waiting for Sunday now !!
Ahhhhhh :-)
Rosie x
they do look good!
: ) I'm worried now though.My plan was to get the boars away before they matured, the general feeling seems to be I'd need to seperate before then. Not impossible to do but not ideal.Oh well.How are yours doing?
What are you feeding them ?
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