Tuesday 28 April 2009

Garden update

It has been nearly three weeks since I have updated my garden diary. To be honest I have lost track slightly of what's what.

The greenhouse:

This weekend I planted 6 Shirley and 4 Ildli tomato plants into grow bags in the greenhouse. The remaining plants I hardened off outside. When I say hardened off - in truth I put them outside at the weekend, with every intention of bringing them in over night for a few days and completely forgot them !
The other type of tomato plants are still at the potting on stage.

Radishes and Lettuce:
We are still pulling radishes. I seem to have managed to achieve a continuous succession. Similar with the salad leaves.

The sprout plants are almost ready to harden off and plant out.

Cucumber, Marrow, Courgette and Squash:
All of these are through with their second leaves developing. All apart from the Squash, I think maybe it would have been better to treat the squash similar to melon and sow much later.

Although growing slowly are now ready to pot on to bigger pots.

The Veg Patch:
Not really my department once the plants leave the greenhouse they are the full responsibility of my husband!
Despite the rain we seem to have avoided (fingers crossed) any slug damage or in fact any other pest destruction. Although we do have a mole!

All are growing well and have been banked.

Onions and Shallots:
After an iffy start are growing well.

Have been pricked out and young plants shared amongst friends.

We have started to pull a few.They were a trial pack of yellow radish and ones we will certainly grow again.

Broad beans:
The greenhouse plants are starting to flower and the ones sown directly into the ground a few weeks later are through ( I did notice a couple of these have turned yellow ?) They have been strung and will need another string soon.

Everything else is ...well just growing....an achievement in itself I suppose.

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