Saturday 21 March 2009


Annie - 2 weeks to go.

We are now ready for Annie to lamb.The stable has been mucked out, scrubbed and lime washed, the Fowl's run has hopefully been made lamb proof, now we are just biding our time. Annie I am sure isn't as big as last year, but there is still two weeks to go. She has bagged up quite a lot. Zwartbles are dairy sheep so I am not too alarmed by that.

Today we also fenced the area destined for this year's weaners.We have placed the ark under the shade of the cherry tree.During the week we will phone a local pig breeder to see if he has any weaners available soon.

The broad beans have been planted out, so the veg. patch is now beginning to look as a veg. patch should.That is until the pigeons, slugs and every other imaginable pest starts to attack, but we can dream of what might be for a few days at least.

We have also started on the interior of the shed, more of that later I need to take photos first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she does look nice. I could get quite tempted to get a zwartbles sheep. must be about the same size as ours
hoope everythign goes well