A rather mixed up sort of weekend this week. I think a few things were achieved despite my panic that there was so much to do before other things could be done and we never seem to complete anything.....but the trench has been dug to carry the water and electric to the sheds, well partly anyway. So far it has been dug along the neighbouring hedge, next weekend it needs to be dug down through the bank and across the gravel to the house ( see what I mean ), The veg patch has been raked over again and is beginning to look promising - nearly ready for the broad beans, which as yet haven't germinated, it has only been 8 days since sowing. The sweet peas took me by surprise and germinated after only 5 days despite the packet saying 7 - 21. I hadn't looked at them since sowing so they are somewhat straggly but should be OK , I have more to sow if I need to. I am thinking I may start a few tomatoes ....now sown half the packet of Thompson & Morgan - Ildi
The livestock are all well ...touch wood. On Sunday I had two eggs from the hens, so they seem to be coming back into lay. They are rather put out at the moment and are letting me and the neighbours know that in no uncertain terms are they happy with the new impostors - two rather lovely cream legbar pullets I bought yesterday. My family laughed at me as the idea was to buy some laying hens to help boost the egg supply. It will be at least eight weeks if not more before these come into lay ...oh well.
Cream Legbar pullets approx 12 weeks.
The geese ....well where do I start. Rex, one of last years goslings is now officially Rexy as she (we think it's her, yes it is ) has laid two soft shelled eggs and has attempted to build a nest, she is also plucking her breast feathers out. However she remains friendly with the sheep, following them everywhere while the other gosling, Bronte ( almost certainly a gander ) has teamed up with the already established pair in the paddock to form a rather odd trio. As for the Orchard geese well they just carry on as they wish to, choosing to lay their eggs anywhere other than the shelters I have provided for them.
The sheep seem happy.
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