Saturday 12 November 2011

Buying time

We have come to a decision, to help relieve of the pressure of the work which needs to be achieved in the next few weeks.

We still have the lambs, but rather than fret about when will be able to get them to the abattoir we have decided to keep them until January. Logistically it will be so much easier then. The stable will be empty, once the turkeys have gone, which means we will have somewhere dry to keep the lambs before slaughter. It is also easier to load them into the trailer from the stable yard and lights in the stable enables us to dag them anytime of the day; with the darker mornings and evenings extra jobs such as this are normally saved for the weekends.

We will also have a few more weeks to sort out the freezers.

Keeping the lambs over winter will mean having to buy in hay and hard feed, but this year it is a small price to pay for extra 'breathing space'.


Sue said...

Sounds like a good plan, and they'll fatten up nicely in the stable, not something I should really say being a vegetarian, but sometimes the farmer in me comes out even more :-)

Sue xx

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good plan, and a small price to pay - re the feed, to get some breathing space.

Sandra said...

:-) It is a relief to have finally made a decision rather than 'ummming and arrghing'

The lambs wil still have the run of the paddock and orchard but with the stable empty should rain be forecast a day or so before D day we can house them. The abattoir won't accept them if they are too wet.