Tuesday 7 April 2009

Weekly garden update

The week does seem to come around quick, so another update to remind me of what we have sown and how it is progressing. I'm sure I will be thankful in the future to have this to look back on, if only out of interest.


Third sowing just coming through, second about a week away from picking which is good as most of the first radishes have been eaten, also I need the pot for the next sowing.

We are picking leaves regularly from the first sowing, the second seem slow although they are a different mix.

Spring onions:
Second sowing just peeping through.

The Shirley have been potted on individually, they look so much better for it. I still need pots for the Ildli, but as they are much smaller plants they are OK for now, but do need to be potted on soon.
The rest of the tomatoes are still to germinate but it has only been a week and I have left them in the unheated greenhouse so they may be slow.

Still need potting on....I must get some pots from somewhere!

Just peeping through today.

Nasturtiums and Sunflowers:
Have been planted out after a short time hardening off. The rest of the flower seeds/plants are growing nicely, just waiting for warmer weather.

Newly sown this weekend: All Marshalls seeds

In modules:

Courgette Zucchini
Squash Hunter
Marrow Long Green Bush

Cucumber Outdoor Burbless Tasty Green

In trays :
Brussel Sprout Clodius

Veg patch:

It's surprising what a little rain can do, although I fear we are in for more than just a little !!


They have been up for almost a week now.

Lettuce, Radish and Turnips:

All are benefiting from the rain and beginning to 'move'

Parsnips and Parsley :

Just beginning to germinate....I think


Are growing .. bit disappointed in them.

Broad beans:

Need stringing .

Newly planted this week:

All the potatoes are in, a few main crop are left over so we will try growing them in a dumpy bag.

The onions have been planted.

Newly sown:

Leek Oarsman - Marshalls seeds

(French Bean Delinel - Marshall seeds not sure if I sowed these in the greenhouse or if my husband planted them directly outside...(check)

I have checked we didn't sow any at all !! too early so scrub French Beans.)

Now you see why I need the weekly update !!

Beetroot These were the remainder of the Sutton Globe


Anonymous said...

it looks very tidy and ordered.
I'm new to growing broad beans - how big before they should be given support?

Sandra said...

Only because it's new.We didn't get the ground until this time last year.We've removed an old apple tree , a dilapidated shed, a hedge that was mostly brambles and rebuilt the hedge banks, planted new saplings and fenced.The hedge was a typical farmers hedge, we removed 3 truck loads of metal including an old metal bed and the front part of an old mini ! The scrap paid for the fencing though !

See how small it is ? we do have the opportunity to buy more but the price he is asking is extortinate.

Back to broad beans.A lot of people string them as they sow the seeds ,we will do it this weekend.It's just a case of running a couple of strands of string either side and length of the row.( a bit like a two strand electric fence )It's more to stop the plants splaying out...they pretty much surport each other.

Anonymous said...

oh right... I'll have to consider mine then..