This afternoon, as it was warm and sunny we let Annie introduce Alfie to the world. He is a spirited little thing and after the initial first step into the big outside and a reassuring suckle from mum he was off exploring. It is such a shame he lacks a playmate.....I think we will have to rectify that quite soon. As Annie is such a good mum we were confident to leave them alone and by the time we returned just after 8.00 pm she already had him snuggled up back in the stable.

We had returned Kiwi to her own flock earlier in the day. It worked well all round having her for those few weeks. Annie had company, Kiwi flourished and her condition improved immensely and now that she is tame there is a possibility she will avoid the freezer and be kept as a breeding ewe.
I don't know if it is because Alfie is a day older or all the fresh air and exercise but tonight he certainly looked healthier, stronger and livelier...long may it continue.
he looks a fine fella
actually I quite like the look of Kiwi - not tempted to keep her yourself?
He's seems to be doing well...early days.Today he discovered he could bounce.
Kiwi is lovely but has all the faults of a pet lamb. She was the smallest of triplets last year...she remained with her mum but was supplemented with a bottle. She is quite small, noisy, butts the back of your knees, pinches things from your pockets and can open a latch gate... no I don't think I am tempted to keep her !!
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