Tuesday 17 February 2009

Dawn Chorus

I woke earlier than usual this morning, so made myself a cup of coffee and sat in the sitting room with the windows open watching the light creep in and listening to the dawn chorus. First was the blackbird sitting in next door's flowering currant and the robin just outside the window in the old holly tree, with the occasional, less than tuneful, shout from the cock pheasant in the bottom field by the stream.Followed shortly by the song thrush, a couple of gardens away and the wood pigeons in the trees opposite. Somewhere close by the dunnock and wren. Before long my head was bursting with the sound of bird song and I struggled to identify the smaller birds individually. By now it was 6.30 and almost full light, the occasional car was passing disturbing the peace, my husband was awake and moving around and the radio alarm in my son's room went off. It was time to start the day.

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