Saturday 16 April 2011

Twin ewe lambs

Freda gave birth to twin ewe lambs at 11.45 am and 12.05 pm respectively. Both lambs were on their feet within 5 minutes of being born and both I'm sure have had their first drink, I'll check again shortly.

They were born outside, a first for us. Unfortunately right against the compost heap, not the cleanest of places, but they are now safely inside the stable on fresh straw and their cords have had an extra thorough spray.

Hopefully Annie will also lamb sometime today, she does look very close.

This year the lambs are black with white flecks.

Photos will follow.

8.15 pm: Annie stil hasn't lambed but has refused her last feed...unheard of for her and is pawing the ground. Can't be long now. Before midnight would be nice

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