Sunday 26 September 2010

Weekend jobs

It has been a mixed weekend for jobs so far. The usual weekend routine chores of cleaning all the houses, stocking up on feed etc. the jobs that must be done, namely sheep this weekend and a few picking up jobs that tend to be left for another day.

So all the chicken houses are clean, the feed store full, the lambs tagged, dagged and ready to go, the yard strimmed of nettles, chimneys swept and yet more fruit and veg. picked, cooked and frozen. This afternoon I am hoping to fill in the trenches dug by the hens and reseed any bare patches. How can such small birds create such large craters ?

Photo: Lambs tagged, dagged and ready to go.

As always there are still a thousand and one jobs that need to be done. Little work has been done to the 'soon to be rented house' for a while and it is only since the evenings have started to get darker and we are spending more time in the house have we realised how much needs doing to our own home.Time is running out to seed the runs this year. I was hoping to renew a fence this summer. We have left it too late to prune the plum trees, they need to be done in the warmer months with the sap rising.
We are now into autumn and winter chores, the leaves are beginning to fall so it will soon be time to start the annual hedge trim, firewood needs to be cut, the ewes taken to a friends to run with the ram and so it continues..

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