Friday 13 August 2010

Harvest time

Our days, at present, revolve around harvesting the veg and preparing it either for cooking, freezing, pickling or making into chutney. Enjoyable but at times it can seem never ending. The empty jars on the shelves in the utility room are rapidly being replaced by newly filled ones.
The freezer is filling up at an alarming rate, considering we will need space for three lambs in a months time.

Garden and hedgerow fruit will shortly be ready. The plums are changing colour, the apples ripening and the elderberries and blackberries are turning black. Time for jam making and yet more chutney.


Cabbage Tree Farm said...

You sound very busy! But you'll be glad of the preserves come winter time I'm sure. They will be delicious.

Sandra said...

With five adults in the house they never seem to last long :)

Anonymous said...

i know your freezer worries.... i think we shall get all our veg and fruit in... just not sure where the 4 pigs are going to fit...

Sandra said...

CIG...ahh, it's not as if you can squeeze a few pigs into a corner somewhere ...good luck ;-)