This morning as I let the 'orchard' geese out I noticed an egg on the floor of the house. I am almost certain it is from last year's gosling, as it was soft shelled (despite oyster shell and grit being readily available) and there was no attempt of a nest being built. She is a good 2 or 3 weeks ahead of the older two's usual date for laying. Hopefully she will get the 'hang of it' and build herself a nice comfy nest to lay in.She was suppose to be going to a new home - maybe tempted to keep her now.
Annie was a lot more settled this morning than I had expected her to be. She had obviously spent some of the night in the stable.The weather last night was dreadful and she had eaten a fair amount of hay.This morning I started her step feed, which she readily accepted, but then she never was one to turn down food!
I have moved her into the paddock with the geese and have moved the orchard geese into the fowl run for a few days to tidy and clean up the grass. The fowl run will then be left empty until the end of March, by which time some grass should have grown, in readiness for Annie to lamb.
On Saturday we will collect a ewe lamb from last year to keep her company until her own are born and then if we are lucky she will produce a ewe lamb of her own which we will keep on.

Rosie : One of Annie's twins from 2008
lovely picture :)
what do you do with goose eggs?
Thank you. We don't really make full use of the eggs. Most we give to my husband's uncle who absolutely loves them, last year I tried 2 batches in the incubator and both geese sat on a clucth, I also gave a batch away for hatching.The pigs love them too !! This year I'm going to try baking with them, they are suppose to be excellent for cooking.
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