Saturday 31 July 2010

Change of plan

The day started grey, misty and damp and remained overcast with the threat of rain throughout the day. Not the ideal weather for inspecting hives. So instead we spent the day catching up on jobs at the yard.

We started with the usual weekend thorough clean of all the poultry houses. The turkeys are growing at a good rate and are tall enough now to drink from the self fill water bowl, they are also are able to feed from a hanging container, so much easier to keep clean than one on the floor. As we needed more turkey feed we bought the next stage - 'rearer 1' and have mixed it with the remaining chick crumbs. A couple more weeks and the poults will be able to go out by day.

The sheep spent a very happy day topping the grass and compacting the soil in the new poultry pen (photo above ) . While they were out of the paddock I took the opportunity to strim the nettles and thistles. I also strimmed the orchard as the edges especially had become overgrown, not ideal for the geese, who appreciate new grass shoots.

We cleaned out and tidied the feed shed which is now full of fresh hay bales for the sheep. I always feel more relaxed when we have plenty of feed.

There was even time to add a couple more lines of slate tiles to the pigeon loft roof before coming home to water and harvest the veg. Freezing the surplus can wait until tomorrow.

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