Saturday, 22 August 2009

Wildlife pond - Making a start

We decided this weekend we would make a start on the, long awaited for, wildlife pond. After doing the usual morning livestock duties plus a few weekend extras, we came home made a final decision on the size and position of the pond, quickly washed and changed and travelled 40 minutes to the nearest stockist of pond liners.
Once home we grabbed a quick coffee and cheese roll before starting the digging....but before we had a chance to start the rain came and looks pretty much set for the rest of the day.

So back to the kitchen, I guess, for more freezing and pickling. Oh well there's always tomorrow.


A Green and Rosie Life said...

A wildlife pond was high on our list of things to do here. The boys spent many a happy hour pond dipping in our pond in England and can do the same here now. And I can waste far too much time watching the pondlife in the water, the dragonflies hovering over or the swallows swooping down for a drink. You will not regret having a wildlife pond!

Rosie x

Sandra said...

You wouldn't believe how many years I've been waiting for one !! So far I've made do with Belfast sinks and baths but despite the constant thick drizzle here today we have almost completed the digging out stage : )